
Types of erroneous reasoning


Project 1: Write a 3 to 5 page paper in MLA format. Include at least 2 credible references (on a separate e) in MLA format. You may use your text book as one reference.

Choose from one of the following:

• Consider at least three of the topics covered in chapter one (inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, estimation, graphical representations, problem-solving techniques, Polya's four steps) and how they are used in your intended field of study or major. Provide detailed, specific examples of the use of the concepts you have chosen. Why is it important for someone in this field to know and understand these concepts?

• Learn about types of erroneous reasoning (for example, "appeal to emotion," "appeal to authority," "circular reasoning," "distortion of facts," "slippery slope," or "out-dated thinking." Summarize your findings in your own words and provide specific examples of each type of faulty reasoning.

• Consider how reasoning, both inductive and deductive, can be used to "justify" stereotyping, or profiling resulting in bias or denying rights. Report the results of your research and summarize in your own words. Provide specific examples to illustrate your points, including an explanation of how the reasoning is faulty.

Project 2: Write a 3 to 5 page paper in MLA format. Include at least 2 credible references (on a separate page) in MLA format. You may use your text book as one reference.

Choose from one of the following:

• Consider the uses of sets and Venn diagrams that you learned about. Show how these concepts can be used in your intended field of study or major. Provide detailed, specific examples to illustrate your points. Why is it important for someone in this field to know and understand these concepts?

• Read about the blood-typing Venn diagrams on pages 91 and 95 (exercises 113 -117) in the text book. How might the techniques shown apply to other health-related issues or research? Summarize your research findings in your own words and provide specific, detailed examples to illustrate your point.

• Complete exercise 61 on page 106 of the text book to create a survey, and summarize your data into a Venn diagram. Be sure to include all parts of the exercise and a Venn diagram.

Project 3: Write a 3 to 5 page paper in MLA format. Include at least 2 credible references (on a separate page) in MLA format. You may use your text book as one reference.

Choose from one of the following:

• Lewis Carroll is probably best known for his works of fiction, including Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. However, he was also a mathematician and logician. Research Lewis Carroll's contributions to mathematics and logic and present your findings in your own words. Give some specific examples of his work as well. Find some examples of his passion for word games and logic in the Alice stories (see pages 140 and 204 #39, p 169 in the text for a start.)

• Self-contradictory statements, such as; "I am lying to you," are not true statements in the logical sense, for they are both true and false at the same time. Other names for these sentences are "paradoxes" and "enigmas." Find more information about such statements and provide several examples. How might such a statement be misused in advertising or media? (See pages 119, 154 in the text.)

• Complete exercise 90 on page 194 of the text book for two separate articles in which the writer argues a particular point of current interest or current issues. Remember to cite your chosen passage according to MLA standards. Show how you rewrite the reasoning into symbolic form and then use a truth table to determine the validity of the argument.

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Business Law and Ethics: Types of erroneous reasoning
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