
types of dispatchingdispatching may be

Types of Dispatching

Dispatching may be centralized or decentralized.

Centralized dispatching refers to the instructions issued from the central dispatching section directly to the machine shoe in details. Foremen are required to implement then.

Decentralized dispatching:
means the issue of orders and instructions to the work force by the individual foreman to the works making under him. No central instructions are issued.

But no form of dispatching is followed in its strict sense. A mix of the two is generally followed by most of the industries. In this form orders are issued to the foremen form the central office and foremen are free to determine the sequence within their section. This type of dispatching minimizes red tapism avoids delays and dispenses with elaborate reporting this is more flexible.

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Operation Management: types of dispatchingdispatching may be
Reference No:- TGS0181546

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