
Types of competitive pressure

Question1. Assume that you are a local entrepreneur that has developed the revolutionary new personal computer which can carry out the same functions as IBM, Acer and Apple computers and their clones but costs only half as much to manufacture. You desire to expand in Southern Africa. Compute the pros and cons of the various modes of entry which are accessible to your company and suggest a course of action.

Question2.  “The entire attractiveness of a country as a market/investment site depends on balancing the likely long-term benefits of doing business in that country against the likely risks and costs” (Hill, 2001). Explain.

Question3. Governments intervene in international trade for numerous reasons. Explain the two major types of arguments for government intervention in the international trade.

Question4. Explain the two main types of competitive pressure normally confronted by firms which compete in global marketplace.

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Other Management: Types of competitive pressure
Reference No:- TGS04989

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