
Types of artificial neural networks

1) Explain three characteristics that differentiate between different types of artificial neural networks from each other.

2) Specify which of the following neural networks makes use of the supervised learning:

a) Simple recurrent network.

b) Self-organizing feature map.

c) Hopfield network.

d) All of the above answers.

3) Considering the graphical representation of “tallness” of people, using its suitable member function, which of the following given combinations comes out to be true?

a) TALL is usually the fuzzy subset.

b) HEIGHT is usually the fuzzy set.

c) PEOPLE are usually the universe of discourse.

4) If crossover between the chromosomes in search space does not generate significantly different or various offspring, specify what does it imply?

5) The qualities of the solutions provided by the GAs for any of the problems are always better than those offered by other search.

6) Compare and contrast the semantic nets from frames.

7) Explain how does the uncertainty affect reasoning in the inference chains?

8) Specify what sort of knowledge is classified as the sequence of instructions or commands such as those presented within the cooking recipe or motor car repair manual?

9) Explain the technique through which the facts from the knowledge base of an expert system to prove the provided goal is established?

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Software Engineering: Types of artificial neural networks
Reference No:- TGS012724

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