Type your report in arial font size 11 double spaced in one

Milton Glaser is a contemporary graphic artist. Please conduct a research to learn about this artist and write a page long reportregarding the points outlined below.

Type your report in Arial font size 11 double spaced in one sided sheet only.

1. Milton Glaser's main focus in creating his art

2. How does Glazer's work differ from other artists'?

3. What is your own personal feeling about this artist's work? (One paragraph) 25 points

4. Attach a picture of one of Milton's work that interested you the most. 25 points

Grade is based on the following:

· Concise and clear report regarding what was researched and observed
· Use of font type and size specified above
· Completed research with a picture of artist's artwork stapled to the report.

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Other Subject: Type your report in arial font size 11 double spaced in one
Reference No:- TGS01153210

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