
Type of reflex-the micturition reflex

Question 1. What type of reflex is the micturition reflex? What pathway do the impulses take?

Question 2. How is the reflex coordinated? What signals can influence this reflex?

Question 3. What causes the increase in the frequency of action potentials along this pathway?

Question 4. What is the parasympathetic response to these action potentials? How does the urinary bladder respond to these stimuli?

Question 5. What causes a conscious desire to urinate?

Question 6. What happens if urination is not appropriate?

Question 7. What causes the external urethral sphincter to remain contracted? What does this prevent?

Question 8. When urination is desired, what stimulates the micturition reflex?

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Biology: Type of reflex-the micturition reflex
Reference No:- TGS0522400

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