
Type of condition person experience with type 1 diabetes

Assignment Task: Please complete the following activity:

ATI Real Life Scenario- Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetic with Hypoglycemia

This scenario focuses on Skyler Hansen an 18- year-old female away at college, recently diagnosed with type 1diabetes. She is living in the dorms and is away from home and her parents who were the main support system that helped her successfully control her diabetes. It addresses client-centered concepts related to glucose regulation, hypoglycemia, and diabetes education. Nursing-focused concepts include the use of SBAR, patient education, communication with the provider, prioritization of care for multiple clients, and discharge planning.

After completing the activity develop a care plan for the patient, including 4 nursing diagnoses with supporting evidence/references. Upload the assessment to the shell created on the blackboard.

Food for thought. Consider the following:

1. What type of condition can a person experience with type 1 diabetes?

2. What will the ABG results mirror?

3. What medication do you anticipate the provider will order?

4. What are the nursing priorities for a patient with metabolic acidosis?

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Biology: Type of condition person experience with type 1 diabetes
Reference No:- TGS03221916

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