Multiple choice question:
1. Which Boolean operator limits your search by excluding certain terms?
2. Which type of citation would you use for a psychology paper?
C. Chicago
3. A subject periodical index is a research tool that's used to
A. locate articles in professional publications.
B. locate current periodicals within a library.
C. search through primary sources within a library.
D. locate articles in magazines.
4. In the Dewey Decimal System, the call number 800 notes which section?
A. The arts
B. Social science
C. Generalities
D. Literature and rhetoric
5. How does a trademark differ from a copyright?
A. Trademarks are for government entities.
B. Trademarks cover only brands.
C. Trademarks last forever.
D. Trademarks cover all copyrights.
6. How many primary classes are in the Library of Congress System?
B. 15
7. Suppose you're assigned to read a biography of Harper Lee, the author of To Kill a Mockingbird. In an online catalog, you should search under
A. Subject for Harper AND Lee.
B. Title for Mockingbird.
C. Subject for To Kill a Mockingbird.
D. Authors for Lee, Harper.
8. Suppose you're searching in the library catalog to find information about teenage girls who abuse alcohol.
Which one of the following search statements would be most precise?
A. (teenage girls) AND (alcohol abuse)
B. (teenage girls) NOT (alcohol abuse)
C. (teenage girls) AND alcohol OR abuse
D. (teenage girls) OR (alcohol abuse)
9. Which one of the following keyword searches should retrieve the most results in an online database?
A. Beta NOT blockers
B. Beta
C. Beta AND blockers
D. Beta OR blockers
10. A collection of information that can be used as a research tool is alan
A. reference collection.
B. database.
C. index.
D. catalog.
11. Suppose you're looking in section J in the Library of Congress Classification System, what type of books would you be looking for?
A. Political science
B. History
C. Geography
12. Which one of the following descriptive terms best describes the word plagiarism?
A. Accurate
B. Time-consuming
C. Illegal
D. complicated
13. When using the Internet as an information source, you should remember that
A. scholarly sources have a domain name ending in .sch.
B. most government websites charge for their services.
C. Internet sources are generally objective in nature.
D. you must evaluate websites for accuracy, authority, and objectivity.
14. The purpose of the Boolean search connector OR is to
A. restrict a search by excluding results that include a particular term.
B. broaden a search by including synonyms or related terms.
C. search several different databases simultaneously.
D. narrow a search by adding another concept.
15. What problem can occur if you conduct a keyword search with too general a term?
A. You won't receive any results from professional websites.
B. The search results will be truncated.
C. You would receive too many hits unrelated to your topic.
D. The sources you receive may not be reliable.
16. Which of the following types of documents are considered primary sources?
A. Materials in languages other than English
B. Academic journal articles and books published by scholars
C. Raw data, diaries, letters, manuscripts, and original accounts
D. Books primarily concerned with the creative process
17. What type of citation would you use for an English paper?
A. Chicago
18. The broadest type of search, which looks for your terms anywhere, is alan search.
A. keyword
B. title
C. author
D. subject
19. Scholarly journals differ from magazines in that they're
A. available by subscription.
B. printed with volume numbers.
C. sources of academic research not intended for the general public.
D. published periodically.
20. For an article to be considered scholarly, what element must it include?
A. Detailed diagrams of the concepts presented
B. Criticism by academic peers
C. A complete biography of the author or authors
D. A bibliography or a list of works cited
1. Which one of the following ways of incorporating an idea from a journal article into your research paper is considered best for expressing the entire idea in your own words?
A. Paraphrase
B. Copy and paste
C. Summarize
D. Quote
2. In the keyword search on EDSeek's Home Page, enter the following statement: NASA * AND Mars *.
Based on the results from this search, choose the best answer to this question. Which of the following is not a listed document type?
A. Diary
B. Book Review
C. Article
D. Report
3. In the keyword search on EDSeek's Home Page, enter the following statement: NASA * AND Mars *. Based on the results from this search, choose the best answer to this question. Which of the following is listed under the related subjects list?
A. Solar system
B. Milky Way
C. Space exploration
D. Hubble telescope
4. In the keyword search on EDSeek's Home Page, enter the following statement: NASA * AND Mars*.
Based on the results from this search, choose the best answer to this question. Under the News sources, which of the following is not a publication title?
A. Sunday Times (London)
B. Conference News
C. New York Times
D. Science Letter
5. Which of the following is an example of a primary source?
A. Diaries and letters from the 1880s published in a recent book of collected diaries and letters from the 1880s
B. A recently published history book that cites diaries and letters from the 1880s
C. An encyclopedia article citing events from the 1880s and giving a list of works cited
D. A newspaper article published in the 1980s that reports on an event in the 1880s
6. Access the Library of Congress library catalog at and read the Basic Search Tips.
Then, find the information to answer the question. Under the subject headings for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which is not listed as a subject?
A. Dark Arts
B. Schools
C. Wizards
D. Magic
7. Using the Internet and the search skills you've learned in Information Literacy, answer the following question. You may wish to use search engines, meta-search engines, or virtual reference collections discussed in the study unit. When did the U.S. purchase Alaska and how much did it cost?
A. 1967, $7.2 billion
B. 1912, $7.2 million
C. 1959, $7.2 billion
D. 1867, $7.2 million
8. Scholarly journal articles are written by
A. lower division college students.
B. professional writers.
C. experts in a subject field.
D. reporters.
9. In the keyword search on EDSeek's Home Page, enter the following statement: NASA * AND Mars *.
Based on the results from this search, which article title represents a citation under the News results?
A. "Future U.S. Planetary Science Explored"
B. "Earth's Trojan Asteroid"
C. "NASA: What Now?"
D. "Mars Curiosity rover finds life-supporting chemicals"
10. In which section of the Penn Foster library is the link "Evaluating Information on the Web"?
A. Virtual Reference Room
B. Guidebooks and Tips
C. EDSeek
D. Subject Guides
11. What is an effective truncation method for searching the Internet?
A. Reading all the hits from your first search
B. Entering one or two related words
C. Using several synonymous terms in the search
D. Using an asterisk (*)
12. Using the Internet and the search skills you've learned in Information Literacy, answer the following question. You may wish to use the search engines, meta-search engines, or virtual reference collections discussed in the study unit. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, what is the most populated city in the
United States?
A. New York, New York
B. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
C. San Francisco, California
D. Los Angeles, California
13. In the keyword search on EDSeek's Home Page, enter the following statement: NASA * AND Mars *. Double-click the title of Warren Ferster's Spring 2012 article, "Leadership by default: the United States and the final frontier." Which of the following topics are listed under related subjects?
A. Surveys
B. Discovery and exploration
C. Mars
D. National security
14. Access the Library of Congress library catalog at and read the Basic Search Tips. Then, find the information to answer the question. Under the 1951 edition of The Catcher in the Rye there are 3 different cities of publication, they are:
A. New York, Baltimore and Chicago
B. Philadelphia, London and Boston
C. Chicago, Knoxville and Philadelphia
D. Boston, London and New York
15. Which of the following is an option on under the Library Services?
A. Ask Your Instructor
B. Bilingual Resources
C. Google
D. Local Information
16. Using online print reference sources covered in Information Literacy, answer the following question.
Geographically, Azerbaijan borders which of the following countries?
A. Iraq
B. Iran
C. Syria
D. Afghanistan
17. What would you type into a search engine for a quick way to get the definition of mensa?
A. define:mensa
B. mensa organization
C. info:mensa
D. allintitle:mensa
18. On the EDSeek database, which of the following is not listed under the tools?
A. Return to Library
B. Change Databases
C. Dictionary
D. Logout
19. Access the Library of Congress library catalog at and read the Basic Search Tips.
Then, find the information to answer the question. What is the page count on the 2001 edition of the book The Life of Pi?
20. Which one of the following sections of EDSeek is most helpful in providing possible keywords related to your topic?
A. Help
B. Subject Guide Search
C. Browse Publications
D. Home