
Type of business ethics that been violated in the case

Assignment Task: In a visit to an Amazon distribution center, a group of business students and their professors met with the general manager. After taking them on an extensive tour of the five-acre facility, the general manager commented on the slowness of the visitors' walking pace. He described the Amazon Pace, a fast, aggressive walk, and confirmed that the average employee walks eight or nine miles during a shift. These employees are called "pickers," and their task is to fill an order and deliver it to the processing and packing center as quickly as possible. The design of the center is a trade secret that results in a random distribution of products. Therefore, the picker has to cover a number of directions and distances while filling an order. Those who cannot keep up the pace are usually let go, just as would be those who steal.

Questions: What is the type of business ethics that been violated in this case?

If you were the manager, what would have you done to ensure working ethically?

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Business Law and Ethics: Type of business ethics that been violated in the case
Reference No:- TGS03218251

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