Type of appraisal




BACKMARKETING PLAN needs to include graphs, charts and picture with detail information from other sources ref info is needed for both slides Some information I have on appraisal forms

Issue #1 Type of Appraisal Form

Having the correct form during a performance appraisal is important in order to avoid basing the evaluation of personal relationship and informal observations. CanGo managers need to be able to use a criterion that is measureable against an individual’s performance instead of impressions. There are several others factors to consider such as blanketing one rating based on another factor and not being able to give candid feedback because of personal feelings as seen from Warren’s appraisal of Nick. Until these issues are recognized, CanGo will continue to struggle with their current appraisal form


Being able to identify Objective and Subjective measures, Objective Measures of Performance focuses on an individual’s performance that is weighed against something measureable such as projects completed, no sick days, or sales generated. Subjective Measures of Performance pertains more to an employees’ attitude and being a team player. Both of these measures are imperative to selecting the correct method for appraisal ratings which include the ability to recognize different errors which include Leniency and Strictness Errors that could unfairly combine all the employees under the same performance rating because a manger doesn’t want to upset employees that would have a lower score which is unfair to those that exceed expectations. Another issue is being able to recognize the Halo Effect when an individual’s rating is based more on an individual’s likability verses their skill level.

In addition to being able to distinguish different errors managers at CanGo need to be able to avoid Distributive Injustices where employees feel that there is an injustice if a colleague is receiving the same benefits and pay for while having less responsibilities and a poorer performance. Procedural Injustice is one of the leading causes for decreased moral because the appraisals form doesn’t allow for a fair individual assessment with on the job performance that includes all the particulars associated with their role.   

Smooth Sailing is suggesting using a form that encompasses the following dimensions of job performance on a scale of 1-5 while providing a place for comments with each section:

Attitude- Employee’s sense of pride and enthusiasm with the job

Work Knowledge- Employees are able to demonstrate their proficiency with their role

Relationships- Employee is able to work as a team player and is able to build networks

Server Problems Evaluated- method of measuring number of errors

Order Fulfillments- Method to evaluate errors in orders

Overall Performance- Rating employee overall

Some information I found out about the 360 feedback is 

Smooth Sailing Consulting recommends a 360 degree feedback to improve CanGo’s employee performance assessments. When implementing the 360 degree feedback, managers are able to obtain a more accurate picture of the participant's capabilities than just one perspective. The 360 degree feedback report summarizes strengths and development needs, and provides insight on how participants are perceived by different groups. A well-designed 360 degree feedback reports also provide suggestions on what the participant might do to change behaviors and become more effective in their role. In order to improve CanGo’s methodology of assessing its employee’s job performances and to enhance staff to manager/manager to staff communication, Smooth Sailing feel that implementing a 360 degree feedback is ideal and can add value to the performance assessment.

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Management Theories: Type of appraisal
Reference No:- TGS0650623

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