Two-way Table from Data The first step in finding an association between gender and handedness among the students in to create a two-way table with these two variables.
Make a two-way table with the labels Male and Female across the top and the labels Right and Left on the side, and then answer the following questions about it. Guidance is given for parts a and b.
a. Report how many are in each cell by using STEP 1 and 2 of the guidance given below.
b. Report the totals by using STEP 3 of the guidance.
c.g. Go back to the original question on page 53 to see the other parts.

Step 1 Refer to the part of the spreadsheet given. To make the tallying a bit easier, we have reported the gender without coding. For each cell, make a tally mark (|) for each person who has both of the characteristics belonging to that cell.
After making the tally mark, cross off that cell (or put a check mark next to the table on the right) so you will know how far you have gotten. The first four tally marks are given (So far, we have counted one person who is both male and right-handed, two who are female and right-handed, and one who is female and left-handed.)

Step 2 When you have finished tallying, check to see that you have a total of 11 tally marks. Then summarize the table with numbers. Note that one number is given for you so that you can check to ensure that you get the same value.

Step 3 Put in the totals: Put the total number of males at the location shown as TMale and put the total number of females at TFemale. Put the total number of subjects who are right-handed at TRight and the total number of those who are left-handed at TLeft. Note that the grand total (total number of people) is 11, as shown