
Two topic of choice essay papers each three- to four-pages

Two topic of choice essay papers, each three- to four-pages in length not including cover and Reference paper will be completed during the course 8 weeks. You may select a topic focus from any of the 8 topics, list below for reference, covered across the course 8 weeks for each of the two topic of choice papers. Submitting work already completed for assignments (papers or forums) earlier in the course or that only expands on the same topic addressed in an earlier assignment is not permitted but you may submit a paper that approaches an earlier assignment topic from a different angle (ex: if you completed an assignment about PTSD in combat veterans or other issues faced by military personnel, you may submit a topic of choice essay on challenges faced by families of military veterans returning from combat deployments and resources made available to them by the mental health profession).

This assignment must be submitted as an attachment in APA format.

Any content copied from published resources and not in quotation marks (and quoting must be done very sparsely--one or two brief quotes per page are permitted--because your prof needs to assess the meaning you made from and your knowledge acquired when engaging with published materials not your ability to quote writing already done by published authors) or paraphrasing (restating what you read in your own words) of publications not correctly source credited will void the paper points without option for revision and resubmission to recoup lost points and a second instance of plagiarism on any assignment automatically resulting in course failure. This policy is in place to protect the integrity of APUS graduate courses and the legal rights of published authors.

Topics for Topic of Choice Essays 1 and 2

NOTE: The same topic area cannot be the focus of both Topic of Choice Essays

Psychology and the Criminal Justice System

Psychology and the Military

Psychology and Online Technology

Psychology and Unconventional Treatments

Psychology and Diversity.

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Dissertation: Two topic of choice essay papers each three- to four-pages
Reference No:- TGS01655958

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