
Two to three-page essay exploring advertising as a text

A Two to three-page essay exploring advertising as a text through close reading, semiotics, and analysis of a magazine advertisement in terms of audience, rhetorical approach (ethos, logos or pathos), visual communication, and efficacy. APA style.

Assignment: In a well-developed essay, bring the observations we have been talking about in class to bear on a magazine advertisement.

First, write an introductory paragraph that explains why you are analyzing an advertisement. (Hint: to get a grade, is not acceptable.)

Then explain and summarize the literal aspects of the ad: what are we seeing on the surface?

Then discuss the ad's purpose: what is trying to sell, and to whom? What decisions have the creators made? Does it work, in your opinion?

Then discuss which type of appeal the ad is making (or trying to make, if your argument is that the ad is unsuccessful). Is it ethos, logos, or pathos?

Wrap it up with a concluding paragraph that restates your thesis.

Don't forget that you need to have a clearly defined thesis statement and advocate for a point of view. For this paper, you will take the position that the ad is successful or not, and what elements they use that are compelling (or not?).

Have an imaginative title that is not the name of one of the works being discussed.

You need not have any outside sources; the paper is mainly your analysis of the ad, but if you do use them, make sure you introduce your sources properly and use signal phrases to integrate your quotes. Use APA style and have a References page.

Even if you don't have outside sources, you will have to put the magazine in your References page, because it is a source.

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Marketing Management: Two to three-page essay exploring advertising as a text
Reference No:- TGS01115807

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