Two techniques of epideictic speech arenbsprepetition and

Question 1: Glossophobia is another word for:

A. The fear of speaking on the phone.
B. The fear of people.
C. The fear of public speaking.
D. The fear of social situations.

Question 2: Posturing is an example of something identified in the study of:

A. Kinesics
B. Proxemics
C. Oculesics
D. Paralanguage

Question 3: Two techniques of epideictic speech are:

A. Repetition and complexity.
B. Motivation and inspiration.
C. Identification and magnification.
D. Prop utilization and gesturing.

Question 4: Broadcast speech is typically written in Blank 1 tense.

Question 5: When messages get replaced by facial expressions, this is called confliction.


Question 6: The purpose of specialized speech is to inform to a professional audience.


Question 7: A common misperception of public speaking is that the audience will only take you seriously if you're serious.


Question 8: Understanding your listeners and preparing to deliver a speech that will be of high interest to them is called Blank 1 .

Question 9: We tend to associate people that have positive characteristics with:

A. Negative vocal image.
B. Strong interpersonal skills.
C. Articulation and strong etiquette.
D. Positive vocal image.

Question 10: To say that "You can learn about the mob life by watching a Joe Pesci movie" is an example of:

A. A lepidote.
B. An anecdote.
C. An epidote.

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Other Subject: Two techniques of epideictic speech arenbsprepetition and
Reference No:- TGS01139955

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