Two species of zooplankton

Two species of zooplankton (Daphnia and Bosmina) are both limited by the availability of their food (phytoplankton). When grown without Daphnia, Bosmina reaches an equilibrium density of 1000 individuals/liter and drives phytoplankton concentrations down to 30 cells/ml (i.e., at [phytoplankton]>30 cells/ml, Bosmina shows positive growth). In the absence of Bosmina, Daphnia reaches a density of 50 individuals/liter and drives phytoplankton concentrations down to 10 cells/ml. You now grow Daphnia and Bosmina together. Assume they remain limited by phytoplankton.

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Biology: Two species of zooplankton
Reference No:- TGS095518

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