
Two pioneers of early computers and computer organization


Before starting this homework assignment, please be sure that you have completed all of the following activities.

• View the relevant online lectures and read associated sections in the textbook before or while you work on this homework assignment.
• Review the course syllabus. Note the grading policies, including policies for submitting assignments.
• Review the course schedule. Note the due dates for course assignments, including this one.
• Review the Graduate Honor System at https://ghs.graduateschool.vt.edu. Review the Graduate Honor System Constitution at https://ghs.graduateschool.vt.edu/ghs_constitution.html, especially Articles I (Sections 1, 2, and 3), V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX.

Please note the following.

• Solutions must be clear and presented in the order assigned. Solutions must show work needed, as appropriate, to derive your answers. Written answers should be concise, but sufficiently complete to answer the question. Neat hand drawings, where needed, are acceptable. Your final solution for each problem must be easily identified.

• At the top of the first page, include: your name (as recorded by the university); your email address; and the assignment name ("ECE 4500, Homework 3"). Do not include your Virginia Tech ID number or your social security number.

• Homework must be submitted as a PDF (.pdf) file with the file name lastname_firstname.pdf, where lastname is your last or family name and firstname is your first or given name. Submit a single file.

This homework consists of the following problems. Problems are from L. Null and J. Lobur, The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, 3rd edition, Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2012 (ISBN 9781449600068) unless otherwise noted. The problems from the textbook are from the Exercises section of Chapter 4 (pages 260-267).

1. Do Exercise 5. (For part b, assume a 16-bit word.)
2. Do Exercise 8.
3. Do Exercise 12.

4. Section 4.10 of the text provides an example of the execution of a simple MARIE program. For this problem, you are to complete a similar example for a different program. In particular, for the MARIE program given below, you are to complete the equivalent of Figure 4.14, but for the program below. You do not need to show how the "Halt" instruction is executed. Specify values in PC, IR, MAR, MBR, and AC in hexadecimal. A template for your answer is provided as a Microsoft Word file that is included with this assignment on Scholar. You are to incorporate your answer for this problem into your submission for the homework assignment so that you submit only one PDF file for the entire assignment.

The program is as follows. Note that this table is the equivalent of Table 4.3 in the textbook, only for a different program.

Hex Address



Binary Contents of Memory Address

Hex Contents of Memory


Load      105

0001 0001 0000 0101



Subt      104

0100 0001 0000 0100



Store     104

0010 0001 0000 0100




0111 0000 0000 0000




0000 0000 1010 0011




0000 0000 1111 0011


5. Scavenger Hunt: Two pioneers of early computers and computer organization were Howard H. Aiken and John von Neumann. Answer the questions below regarding Aiken and von Neumann. Cite sources used for your answers.

a. Is Aiken or is von Neumann associated with the so-called Princeton architecture?

b. Is Aiken or is von Neumann associated with the so-called Harvard architecture?

c. What is the key feature of a Princeton architecture computer compared to the Harvard architecture?

d. Does the MARIE architecture owe more to Aiken or von Neumann? Briefly justify your answer.

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Computer Engineering: Two pioneers of early computers and computer organization
Reference No:- TGS01230622

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