
Two percentage of sucrose and 08 of agar were added to the

1. Murashige and skoog (MS) stock solutions have been prepared as indicated below, macro nutrients(*ten times the strength ms solutions ) micro nutrients(*100) ,amino acids(*1000) and vitamins(*1000)

(a) Indicate how much solutions in mls should be drawn from stock solution to make 15 litres of stock solutions .

(b) Two percentage of sucrose and 0.8 % of agar were added to the media calculate the weight of agar and sucrose added to make ten and twenty litres respectively .

(c)Zero point zero zero five (0.005) parts per million NAA were added to 100 litres calculate their weight in grams.

(2) State two requirement in making stock solution.

(3) Give reasons as to why orchid seeds were germinated on nutrient medium during time of Haberlandt.

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Biology: Two percentage of sucrose and 08 of agar were added to the
Reference No:- TGS02226817

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