1. A toy manufact urer buys ball bearings from three differen t suppliers-50% of her total order comes from supplier 1, 30% from supplier 2, and the rest from supplier 3. Past experience has shown that the quali!y control standards of the three suppliers are not all the same. Two percent of the ball bearings produced by supplier 1 are defective, while suppliers 2 and 3 prod uce defective bearings 3% and 4% of the time, respectively. What prortion of the ball bearings in the toy manufacturer's in ventory are defective?
2. A fair coin is tossed. If a head turns u p, a fair die is tossed; if a tail LUms up, two fair dice are tossed . What is the pro bability that the face (or the sum of the faces) showing on the die (or the dice) is equal to six?