
Two of those citations must be court cases all resources


My topic: Gun maker liability


As part of your grade you are required to prepare a 5-10 minute presentation to be given to the class. The presentation can be on virtually any topic related to business law.

You are free to pick the topic yourself from the material we will be covering in class. All topics must be approved by the instructor. Topics related to criminal law outside of the business context will not be approved.

Your topic will be scheduled, as much as possible, to coincide with the reading on that topic.

The presentation must be accompanied by a minimum 5 page double spaced written report. As a separate paragraph at the top of the paper, there must be a thesis statement that clearly describes the content to follow.

The paper must include at least four sources cited using APA citations.

Two of those citations must be court cases. All resources must be primary sources. The paper must be submitted at the time of the presentation.

Each presentation must be accompanied by a "study guide" or a summary to be given to the balance of the class to assist them in understanding your material.

You may present your report in any manner you wish. PowerPoint is available but it is not required.

A grading rubric will be provided. There are one hundred points possible. You will be graded on the organization of your paper, its relevance to business law, use of the language in a manner suitable for a college report, the quality of your analysis, the "presentation style", and your reference to various sources.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The words you use must be your own. Papers will be checked electronically for copied material. When the paper is turned in, it must be accompanied by a print out from SafeAssign showing its plagiarism rating.

NOTE: Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable source, for anything. Ever.

The use of the first person (I) is not permitted.

Typically, all court cases cited in the paper should be underlined.

The focus of the paper are the legal issues and the cases that are being relied upon, less so than the factual context

With reference to PowerPoint, which many of you use, please keep the 5 by 5 rule in mind: no more than 5 lines per slide and no more than 5 words per line. PowerPoint is a visual medium. Do not read from your slides.

Please make sure that your paper focuses on the legal issues surrounding your topic and not the pros and cons of it. For instance, if discussing legalizing marijuana, the paper should focus on the legal aspects of the problem, not on whether or not it is a good idea.

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Dissertation: Two of those citations must be court cases all resources
Reference No:- TGS02290221

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