
Two newspaper article summaries from local newspaper for

Two newspaper article summaries from local newspaper for where you currently live

Here is what we studied in the class.

1. Introduction: Science and Marine Biology

2. Fundamentals of Ecology

3. Marine Provinces

4. Seawater

5. Tides

6. Biological Concepts

7. Marine Microorganisms

8. Multicellular Primary Producers

9. Sponges, Cnidarians, and Comb Jellies

10. Worms, Bryozoans, and Mollusks

11. Arthropods, Echinoderms, and Invertebrate Chordates

12. Marine Fish

13. Marine Reptiles and Birds

14. Marine Mammals

15. Intertidal Ecology

16. Estuaries

17. Coral Reef Communities

18. Continental Shelves and Neritic Zone

19. The Open Ocean

20. Life in the Ocean's Depths

21. Marine Birds and Mammals in Polar Seas

22. Artificial Reefs

23. Marine Protected Areas

24. Impact of Tourism on the Marine Environment

25. The Global Trade of Marine Ornamental Species

a. As alerted in our Week 1 Discussion directions, locate two traditional, local newspaper articles, each of which deals with a subject covered in our course. Articles can be no older than the first day of this class. If you do not have a local newspaper, you may wish to go to our Webliography and use the site which links to traditional newspapers all over the world. If you use that site, locate a traditional, local newspaper for where you currently live, or if you are currently deployed, choose one from your hometown. Ensure you are using traditional newspaper articles, and NOT journal articles, news magazines, science newspapers, news wire services (e.g. Associated Press, Reuters, CNN, MSN, CBS, etc.), or Internet news (e.g. Science Daily).

b. Summarize the newspaper articles in your own words. Each summary will have its own title (use the article titles), content, and in-text and reference list citations. Do not use direct quotations. Satisfy the requirements in this hyperlinked document "How to Effectively Write a Fact-supported Essay" from the Professor's Corner. A specific grading rubric is provided below these directions.

c. Each traditional, local newspaper article summary must have its source as a reference list citation. Use proper APA in-text citations and reference list citation format. Remember, the in-text citation for an online newspaper (which has no page numbers) requires a paragraph number.

d. Each local newspaper article's summary must be 250 words in length. Submit a subject title composed of your last name, and the names of the local newspapers, e.g. "Whitford, NY Times & Washington Post." Include a bolded summary title, which is the newspaper article title. Submit these two summaries as a single discussion submission and not as an attachment. A grading rubric is provided below these directions.

e. If you accessed your traditional, local newspaper article via the Internet, include its hot link in the reference list citation so that readers may go directly to the source article. 

f. The purpose of this assignment is to show the relevance of our course's subject material to current news worthiness in your local area.

g. Respond to a classmate's posting. Your response must be substantive, not perfunctory, and not merely a repetition of your classmate's material. I encourage inclusion of personal anecdotes.

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Biology: Two newspaper article summaries from local newspaper for
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