
Two management concepts-quality circles and management by

Two management concepts-quality circles and management by objectives (MBO)- have shown significant results when applied to various components of the criminal justice system. While both programs have evinced considerable potential for motivating both management and non-management employees in improving organizational communication and motivation of employees, they both, however, have particular pros and cons.

1. If you were a chief of police or warden of a prison, which of the two management concepts would you prefer in your department or facility? Be specific when discussing the pros and cons of both management concepts in supporting your choice. Use appropriate citations and references to support your post.

Criminal justice agencies have advanced dramatically with the use of enhanced communication technology. Communication technology has improved our ability to receive, send, access, and store enormous amounts of information. The speed with which communications are relayed are faster than ever before.

2. Has the ubiquitous use of advanced communication technology such as cell phones, mobile computers, tablets, etc., actually made individuals and organizations better communicators? Explain why or why not.

Two discussion questions, 300 words each or more with at least two references. I have included three references if it helps. Thank You.

Stojkovic, S., Kalinich, D., & Klofas, J. (2015). Criminal justice organizations: Adminstration and management (6th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Crispo, A. W. (2012). The age of electronic fascination: Can't live with it and can't live without! Culture & Religion Review Journal, 2012(4), 1-6.

Hatry, H. P., & Greiner, J. M. (1986). Improving the use of quality circles in police departments [PDF file size 3.4 MB]. In National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, United States of America (NCJ 105670 ).

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