Two loudspeakers, one of them generates sound 400W power the other with 100W. The sound is generated isotropically from each loudspeaker. A listener is seated 20 m from the 100 W loudspeaker and 40 m from the other loudspeaker. A signal generator drives the two loudspeakers in phase with the same frequency. The frequency is swept through the audible range from 20-20000 Hz.
A). What is the ratio of the intensities of the two sounds (I(for 400 W)/I(for 100 W) at the listener position?
B). What are the two highest frequencies at which the listener will hear a maximum signal because of constructive interference?
C). What are the two highest frequencies at which the listener will hear a minimum signal because of destructive interference?
D). Assuming a single frequency of sound (f=5000 Hz) from the 400 W loudspeaker. What is the displacement amplitude of the sound waves that arrives at the listener's position from the 400 W loudspeaker only?