Two depository institutions have composite CAMELS ratings of 1 or 2 and are "well capitalized." Thus, each institution falls into the FDIC Risk Category I deposit insurance assessment scheme. Further, the institutions have the following financial ratios and CAMELS ratings
Institution 1 Institution 2
Tier I leverage ratio (%) 10.25 7.00
Loans past due 30-89 days/gross assets (%) 0.60 0.82
Nonperforming assets/gross assets (%) 0.45 0.90
Net loan charge-offs/gross assets (%) 0.08 0.25
Net income before taxes/risk-weighted assets (%) 2.40 1.65
CAMELS components:
C 1 2
A 1 1
M 1 1
E 2 1
L 1 3
S 2 3
Calculate the deposit insurance assessment for each institution.