Two applicants for a component assembly posi- tion with an

1. Selecting a position that ensures that you will not be conspicuous, stand or park near a local convenience store and observe 35 consecutive individuals  entering the store. Jot down whether each is male versus female, sample of boxes, the weights (in ounces) are listed  in file XR14078. At the 0.10 level of significance, does the filling machine seem to have "drifted" from the desired setting? Identify and interpret the p-value for the  test.

2. In the past, telephone solicitors for a home improvement firm have been paid an hourly wage. A small-scale experiment has been set up in which five solicitors are given further incentive in the form of 1% of the eventual sale. Data file XR14079 shows the number of sales originating from each solicitor for the day before and the day after the test policy was put into place. At the 0.05 level, has the incentive policy increased performance? Identify and interpret the p-value for the test.

3. Two applicants for a component assembly posi- tion with an electronics firm have been asked to complete each of six tasks that their jobs would typically involve. For each assigned task, file XR14080 shows the times (minutes) required by each of the applicants. At the 0.10 level, could the applicants be equally qualified? Identify and interpret the p-value for the test.

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Dissertation: Two applicants for a component assembly posi- tion with an
Reference No:- TGS01283908

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