
Tweaking the price one way or another


This time imagine that you have accepted a great job in another region, so you have to sell your house. Unfortunately the real estate market is soft. You've had a For Sale sign on the front lawn for three months without getting a nibble. Finally, a prospective buyer appears, Adrian, who's willing to pay close to your asking price. But there's a catch: Adrian wants to make the deal contingent on the sale of his own property. You refuse, understandably. You don't want to take your house off the market and depend on Adrian's luck - good or bad - in unloading the other place. Adrian, in turn, doesn't want to run the risk of owning two homes. Tweaking the price one way or another won't solve the underlying problem. Nor will seller financing. As the home owner, what should you do?

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Reference No:- TGS03416497

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