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Procrastination is avoidance to complete a particular task within a specific deadline. For different reasons, students have been found to exhibit academic procrastination due to various reasons. Procrastination is a nuisance to all students; they know what they are supposed to be doing, but they don't want to start. They find themselves doing the assignments in the last minutes.

Not all students can be blamed for procrastinating doing their homework. Some assignments may be hard to tackle, making them wonder where to begin. However, there is some help for such students as there are online tutors who offer paper writing service. With such assists, they can finish college work right on time without procrastination. Such online platforms even have custom papers for students who would love to have ready assignments without having to wait for long. The student may not enjoy all the subjects they are learning; that's why college paper service comes in handy.

Here are 5 tips for dealing with procrastination once and for all:

1. Set Simple Achievable Goals

The primary reason why students procrastinate on their assignment is that the undertaking ahead of them appears too daunting. Homework for the college student is only doable when you plan simple, achievable goals, rather than a vague plan. Rather than telling yourself. "I will finish this essay by 9 tonight," tell yourself, "I will make a short outline tonight." Such a goal is more attainable and less intimidating. Planning a long, disorganized to-do list is planning to fail.

2. Turn off Updates on all Your Social Media Platforms

Social media is a major hindrance to many students that makes student procrastinate doing their assignments. A study done at the University of Chicago in 2012 showed that student's addiction to social media is stronger than tobacco and alcohol. If you feel that your root cause for procrastination is social media, deal with it first even if it means consulting a counselor. Additionally, for a small fee, you can get an app to install on either/both on your computer or phone to limit the time you spend on those platforms. Some apps will even block distractive websites.

3. Always Begin Your Assignment Immediately

Certainly, procrastination will get you to fail. Worse still, it will lower your grades terribly by making you a lazier scholar. To end this, learn to start working on your assignments immediately you are given. Remember, you can get some help from online tutors. Homework for college students can be quite a task due to many assignments with strict deadlines. That's why there are sites offering custom papers for college students. With someone ready to tutor you and offer college writing service, you will be able to nurture a habit of doing as soon as you get it.

4. Have a Study Partner

An excellent study partner can be beneficial. However, you should choose someone who wants the best of you or someone with the same goals as yours. It can be a classmate or someone you admire. Such a person knows you have a goal to accomplish. If you pick a study helper who is chatty, the deadline will find yourself with incomplete work or searching for college paper service on online sites.

5. Ask For Help

You can ask for help from a supportive group of people you know if you are determined to stop postponement. The first thing you need to do is to explain your goals and ideas to the person who you want to be your mentor and tell them to evaluate them. Secondly, ask the mentor to keep on checking your progress and give a suggestion on where you need to improve. Thirdly, ask for help where you are stuck. The mentor maybe someone to monitor the progress but not able to help with your writing, that's where college writing service comes in. If you search for them online, you can get college paper writers and tutors to help you with the assignments and other class works.


If you have procrastination issues, it better resolve them while in school. When not dealt with, they can undermine your career and hinder your potential in your future career. Holding yourself accountable on your own won't help much. It's easy for you to slip off and keep a procrastination trend. If you want to get long-lasting help, the best way is to identify the reason behind your procrastination first and plan the right strategy that will work for you.

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