
Tube a in a 20degc room is observed to support

1. Tube A, in a 20°C room, is observed to support standingwaves at frequencies of 48 Hz, 60 Hz and 72 Hz, but not at anyfrequencies in between (but possibly at higher and lower frequencies). Meanwhile tube B, which is the same length, supports standing waves at frequencies of 42 Hz, 54 Hz and 66 Hz.

a) Is tube A an open-open tube or an open-closed tube? What abouttube B? b) What are the fundamental frequencies of these tubes? c)How long are these tubes?

2. Draw the interference pattern (pattern of fronts, nodal curvesand antinodal curves) that occurs when two sources in phase a are separated by a distance of 2.5 times the wavelength. This is bestdone on graph paper. Be sure to clearly label each antinodal curvewith the value of path length difference everywhere on the curve.

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Physics: Tube a in a 20degc room is observed to support
Reference No:- TGS0825063

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