
Ttestproject instructions and rubricltxmlnamespace prefix

t-TestProject Instructions and Rubric

Project Overview

1. Choose a research question:

a) that can be addressed using a t-test

B) for which you can collect data to analyze

2. Devise a plan to collect your data

3. Submit a project plan form to theinstructor and obtain approval

4. Once your research question and datacollection plan are approved, carry out your research:

a) Collect data

b) Conduct t-test analysis, using guidelinesbelow

c) Write your results in a report, using theoutline given below

5. Turn in your written report using the linkin Module 9 of the course Blackboard site.

Data Collection Options: The following aresuggestions on where you can collect data.

. Reliable/reputable websites (e.g., sponsoredby the census bureau, professional sports leagues, universities, real estateagencies, car manufacturers, consumer groups, financial institutions, well-known product manufacturers, restaurants/fast food companies, weather trackingagencies, county/city/state/federal government organizations, etc.)

2. Visit to one or more locations whereitem(s) you are researching can be found (e.g., stores to write down prices,rivers to count turtles, car dealers to write down data about cars, etc.)

3. Other resource by permission (if you havean idea, ask your instructor).

Important Note: ERAU and all other universities have strictpolicies and approval procedures for any research projects that involvecollecting data from human subjects. There is not time in this course for youto go through that approval process. Therefore, your project in this coursecannot involve directly collecting data from human subjects. This includesconducting surveys.

Project Design

There are 3 project design options for thet-test project, listed below. To see components and examples for each type ofproject design, consult the t-test Project Examples Word document or the t-testProject Resources PowerPoint file.

A. The 1-sample t-test (Sample size must beat least n = 40.)

B. The matched pairs t-test (Sample size mustbe at least n = 40.)

C. The 2-sample t-test (independent samples)(Sample size must be at least n = 50. You may split this across your twosamples; for example, you may have two independent samples of size 25, or oneof 27 and another of 23, etc. Although your independent samples are notrequired to be identical in size, it is better if the sample sizes aresimilar.)

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