
Try to make this fun and not only demonstrate you

Please utilize the following website for this question: https://www.worldbank.org/en/country (Links to an external site.)

What I would like you to do is find a country that you find interesting or would like to know more about. Or, just pick a country at random.

For that country, I would like you to compare and contrast the country's economic data with that of the United States. You should cover items such as inflation rate, unemployment rate, GDP, GDP per person, population, etc. Further, I would like you to look into the main resources of the country. Do they have a lot of agriculture? Do they have a large resource base? Go ahead and add to the list as you see fit. They offer other data such as life expectancy at birth, school enrollment rates, etc.

Finally, be sure you compare their GDP growth of the recent years to the United State's economic growth. How do they compare? Finally, recommend one thing that you feel would increase economic growth in the country you chose.

Try to make this fun and not only demonstrate you understand the basics of long-run growth determinants, but learn a bit about a country you may not know much about.

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Business Management: Try to make this fun and not only demonstrate you
Reference No:- TGS01669103

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