1. Which of the following states Susan Wolf's position on the meaning of life in her essay "Meaning in Life"?
a. There is no objective meaning to life, like Taylor claims, but there is a subjective meaning if you are actively engaged in a project of worth.
b.Some projects that at a person might engage in are not meaningful and worthwhile.
c. All of the above.
d. None of the above.
2. Which of the following best states Taylor's position on the meaning of life in his essay "The meaning of life?"
a. If God exists, then life is objectively meaningful.
b. If our projects could be finished, then life would be objectively meaningful.
c. If we believed that our lives were meaningful and enjoyed them, then our lives would be meaningful.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
3. True or False: "If everything that Vitrano says about the meaning of life in her essay is true, then the claim that Wolf is arguing for in her essay is likely to be false.'
4. True or False: "Taylor, states that any life that consists of endless, repetitive activity that comes to nothing is meaningless."
5. Which of the following best states Sartre's beliefs about existence and essence?
a. For objects we make like machines, essence precedes existence.
b. If God exists and is the creator of people, then our essence precedes existence.
c. A person's existence precedes their essence.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.
6. Which of the following best states the conclusion that Kemtrup argued for in the class where he read a portion of "The Velveteen Rabbit."
a. It is easy to be happy if you have been loved and "made Real" like the rabbit.
b. It is not easy to be love another person and make them "Real" unless you are happy.
c. It is possible to find life meaningful if you have been loved and made "Real."
d. It is only possible to be made real and find life meaningful if you love another more than yourself.
7. Which of the following best states Epicurus's advice on how to to deal with problems in life involving how other people treat you
a. Realize that you are not in control of the will of other people and that is only rational to concern yourself with what your will controls.
b. Recognize that the gods (or God) have a plan for you and that you should be worried about how the gods see you, not other people.
c. Take pleasure in the things in life you do have, in the company of people who are your friends, and don't desire more fame, respect, and wealth.
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
8. Which of the following is a good example of a pleasure that Epicurus would argue is something that you should focus on getting for yourself
a. Enjoying the weather on a nice day
b. Enjoying the feeling of accomplishment at passing your exams
c. Enjoying the new car you just bought
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
9. True or False; "Epicurus believes that you can never exist as a dead person, in the same way that you did not exist in the past as a not yet living person."
10. True or False; "Epicurus believes that the most important virtues that you need to have, without which you cannot be happy, are courage and a strong work-ethic."
11. True or False: "Taylor argues that the lives of animals are meaningless but human life is fundamentally different in that the meaning of our life is to leave something behind f-r future generations."
12. True or False: "Taylor argues that if Sisyphus were able to feel happy and complete his task, then his life would be meaningful. But since Sisyphus will never complete his task, he will never be happy and his life will be objectively meaningful, and the same is true of us."
13. True or False: "Sartre believes that human beings get to choose what sort of person they are and they are completely free to choose whatever they want."
14. True or False: "If Hard Determinism is true, then Sartre's position on responsibility doesn't make much sense."
15. Which of the following best states what Sartre means when he says that we are "forlorn."
a. When you make a choice it is hard to know who to go to for advice.
b. When you make a choice you should choose the ethical action but you need advice to do this
c. When you make a choice, there is no basis for making it outside of yourself.
d. When you make a choice, you need to find something other than how you feel to help you figure out what to do.
16. Which of the following describes Descartes' goal in writing the Meditations
a. To show that we know only that we exist
b. To show that we know nothing
c. To show that we only know things a priori
d. To show that we only know things a posteriori
e. None of the above
17. True or False: "According to Descartes, there is no belief that cannot be doubted."
18. True or False: "The Evil Genius Argument could be used to prove everything that the Dreaming Argument is supposed to prove."
19. True or False: "According to Descartes, there are good reasons to believe it is possible for you to survive the death of your body."
20. True or False: Socrates compares himself to a horse and Athens to a fly in order to explain that he knows that he knows nothing."
21. Which of the following best states Socrates reasons for stating the story of Chaerophon?
a. To explain how Socrates is anvery knowledgeable teacher
b. To explain why Socrates went around questioning and examining others
c. To explain why Socrates did not enter politics
d. To explain Socrates' analogy of the horse and the fly
22. True or False: In "Appearance and Reality" Bertrand Russell argues that we cannot know that real things exist; we can only know about the sense-data that we have in our minds."
23. Which of the following best states Berkeley's reasons for believing that to be is to be perceived?
a. You can't form an idea of something real because you can't know that the future will resemble the past.
b. You can't form an idea of something real except by imagining what it would look like to your senses from a certain perspective
c. You can never be sure if you can trust your senses about what is real because you never know if you are dreaming.
d. Everything is an idea in the mind of God.
e. All of the above.
24. True or False: Nagel's thought experiment about bats shows that a scientific, objective account of the world cannot explain everything we know to be true about the world.
25. Which of the following best states Turing's response to the Argument from Consciousness:
a. If you conclude that a computer that imitates a human being is conscious, you'd have to conclude that other human beings might not be conscious.
b. If you conclude that a computer that imitates a human being might not be conscious, you'd have to conclude that other human beings might not be conscious.
c. We can conclude that computers are conscious because they can imitate us.
d. We can conclude that computers are not conscious because they cannot imitate us.
26. True or False: "Soft determinism implies that we are never truly responsible for our actions because all of our actions are determined."
27. True or False: "The only reason to believe Determinism is true is if you believe that the universe is entirely physical, because everything in the physical world is deterministic."
28. True or False: Rawls' believes that justice has nothing to do with the social contract, i.e. Rawls is not a Contractarian.
29. Which of the following would Nozick not claim to be unjust if the government did it?
a. Punishing a thief by making him pay back his victim
b. Banning people from selling and buying dangerous drugs
c. Requiring companies to not lie about their products
d. All of the above
e. None of the above
30. Which of the following best states Socrates response to the "first set of accusers," those who have been accusing Socrates for years.
a. Socrates states that Meletus and Anytus don't care about making sure the young are well trained and well educated.
b. Socrates states that Meletus' accusations refute themselves as Meletus contradicts himself upon examination.
c. Socrates states that he is a teacher who can help people gain knowledge, but his teachings only impart wisdom and knowledge.
d. Socrates states that he is not really a teacher who offers people knowledge but people like to listen to him examine the beliefs of others.
e. All of the above.