
Trmp 150 - recreation planning - develop a one week day

Day Camp Planning Assignment


Day camping is an organized group experience comprised of a number of activities that enrich the participants through participation. The location of day camps varies from 'summer playground' experiences that utilize parks in urban settings to 'outdoor wilderness campsites' where participants travel to a rural area to explore the outdoors through activities and interventions. The key of day camp programs is that the participants travel to the same area each day where they engage in a program of adventures that are out of the ordinary - some that the participants may never have been exposed to previously in their lives.


Working with a partner, each 'team' will develop a one week day camp. The program must have a theme or common thread that ties all the activities to one another. The comprehensive program must include a variety of experiences for all participants through active involvement in these experiences. The program could include an overnight experience, however this is not mandatory. Activities that challenge each participant must be included via: competition; intellectual stimulation; creative encouragement etc. Although the assignment is aimed primarily at an outdoor experience, a rainy day program for one day must also be developed. The program must include mass participation activities as well as age specific activities.

Specifically the program that each 'team' develops must use and include the following information:

- There are sixty (60) participants - (equal number males to females) You must show the breakdown of age groups and sex...

- Name of the proposed camp...

- Theme of the proposed camp...

- Dates and Times of camp...

- Description of the physical resources (facilities) that will be used...

- Number of staff required - ratio of participants to staff. Also you must outline the qualifications required for the staff members...

- Safety factors that must be considered - be realistic with your selection of activities...

- Arrangements for transportation - to the base; other?...

- Detailed list of all equipment and supplies required for the camp - included as an appendix...
- The camp must include at least one activity in each of the following areas: games, music, special events, story telling, nature experiences, drama and arts and crafts.

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Dissertation: Trmp 150 - recreation planning - develop a one week day
Reference No:- TGS02665582

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