1. Trident Europe, the German subsidiary of a U.S. company, has €15,000,000 in accounts receivable for sales billed to customers on terms of 2/30 n/60. Customers usually pay in 30 days. Trident Europe also has €9,000,000 of accounts payable billed to it on terms of 3/10 n/60. Trident Germany delays payment until the last minute because it is normally short of cash. Trident Europe normally carries an average cash balance for transactions of €4,500,000. How much cash could Trident Europe save by taking the discount?
2. Trident Corporation (TC) manufactures and distributes an array of telecommunications devices in the US, Germany, and China. Each subsidiary has monthly unsettled balances due to or from other subsidiaries. At the end of December, unsettled intracompany debts in U.S. dollars were:
TC US: Owes $6,000,000 to TC China
Owes $11,000,000 to TC Germany
TC Germany: Owes $7,000,000 to TC China
Owes $8,000,000 to TC US
TC China: Owes $10,000,000 to TC Germany
Owes $11,000,000 to TC US
Foreign exchange transactions average 0.25% of funds transferred.
How much could Trident save in transactions expenses by netting intra company debt?