Tribal police officers policing their own reservations

Assignment Task:

Respond to this classmates post> everting to a system where each race or ethnic group is policed by their own, similar to tribal police officers policing their own reservations, raises significant concerns and is not likely to resolve current racial tensions between police and minority communities. The tribal police model works in a specific cultural and legal context, which does not directly translate to the diverse, urban environments where racial tensions often arise (Bureau of Indian Affairs, n.d.). Implementing race-based policing in broader society could deepen divisions and reinforce segregation rather than fostering understanding and cooperation. Moreover, research shows that increasing diversity within police departments can improve relations with minority communities. However, simply diversifying the force is not enough-diversity must be accompanied by comprehensive reforms, including training that addresses implicit bias and builds trust between officers and the communities they serve (Gardner & Clark, n.d.). Small police departments, in particular, have struggled to achieve this balance due to challenges in recruiting and retaining minority officers (New York Times, 2014). While diversity helps, a more effective solution involves community policing that prioritizes inclusivity, cultural competence, and collaboration with all members of the community, rather than reverting to racial divisions in law enforcement.



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