
Triacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen are incorporated

True and False

1) Triacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen are incorporated intomicelles formed with the aid of bile salts secreated from the gallbladder.

2) Chylomicrons function in the transport of triacylglycerols,fat-soluble vitamins and cholestrol

3) All polynucleotides have a free 5(prime) phosphate group andfree 3(prime) hydroxyl group

4) Incorporation of lipids into micelles orients the ester bonds ofthe lipid towards the surface of the micelle

5) Membrane glycolipids are oriented in a completely asymmetricfashion with the sugar residue always on the intracelluar side of the membrane

6) The index of energy chage varies between 0 and 1

7) Cholestrol is converted to ites less hydrophobic cholesterylester prior to storage and transport

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Biology: Triacylglycerols in the intestinal lumen are incorporated
Reference No:- TGS0799191

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