
Trends of retail marketing

Question1. Explain the need for review of the literature in research.

Question2. Describe the procedure for testing of the hypothesis.

Question3. Briefly elucidate the essentials of the research report.

Question4. What do you understand by the term Research Design? What are the stages in formulation of the Research Design?

Question5. Make a distinction between Probability sampling and Non-Probability sampling. Briefly explain about any two probability sampling technique and any two non-probability sampling technique.

Question6. Explain CRM and elucidate its purpose.

Question7. Elucidate briefly the trends of Women Empowerment.

Question8. Write concise notes on

i) Six Sigma
ii) Kaizen

Question9. Explain the trends of Retail Marketing.

Question10. Make a distinction Intranet and Internet. Describe in detail the components and uses of Internet.

Question11. Describe briefly the meaning of the strategy.

Question12. How can have performance be strategically handled?

Question13. Make a distinction between stock splits and stock dividends

Question14. Explain the Marketing Strategies for the new Markets.

Question15. Explain the steps in formulating the Manufacturing Operations Strategy.

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Other Management: Trends of retail marketing
Reference No:- TGS05238

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