
trends of national incomeestimates relating to


Estimates relating to India's national income and per capita income are available to us for each of the years beginning 1950-51. These estimates are available to us both at current prices for each of the years, and at constant prices (Base 1993-94) also for each of the years. For the purpose of comparison over a period of time, we generally concentrate on estimates at constant prices. 

It would be seen from that India's national income (at constant prices) has got multiplied by about 10 times during the period beginning with 1950-51. During the same period, per capita income has been increasing, from Rs. 3,687.1 in 1950-51 to Rs. 11,798.7, i.e., by about 3.5 times. The difference in the growth between the national income and the per capita income is accounted for by the growth in population. However, the fact that the per capita income in the economy has been increasing proves that the rate of growth of national income has been more than the rate of growth of population. Let us work out the rates of growth of national income and per capita income for each of the years beginning 1950-51.

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Microeconomics: trends of national incomeestimates relating to
Reference No:- TGS0177374

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