Trends in fatalities from distracted driving in the us


Trends in Fatalities From Distracted Driving in the United S

Wilson, F., & Stimpson, J.. (2010). Trends in Fatalities From Distracted Driving in the United States, 1999 to 2008. American Journal of Public Health, 100(11), 2213-9. Retrieved February 1, 2011 from ProQuest.

For this assignment, you are asked to write a summary of a research article.

Purpose of the study: Sometimes the purpose is stated as an aim, an objective, or a goal. At other times, it is incorporated in a statement of a problem, leaving the reader to infer the purpose has a stated problem, a purpose, or both. If the purpose is inferred, you may state it in your own words.

Participants: The term â??participantâ? refers to the sample studied. Under this heading, you should include a description of ages, sexes, socio-economic status, school grade, mental level, number, and/or any other demographic characteristics given in the article to describe the particular sample used in the study.

Hypothesis: What is the hypothesis of the study? If the hypothesis is inferred,

Procedure: Sometimes the procedure is referred to as the methods?and includes a description of control techniques, measuring devices, materials used and ways of proceeding, in attempting to achieve the purpose or purposes of the study.

Statistical Tests: Identify the statistical tests used in the article; examples might be chi square (x2), t-test, f-test, Mann-Whitney, etc.

Results or Findings: These should be confined to actual data reported by the author of the study.

Conclusions: Conclusions are the generalizations that the author believes the results or findings justify.

Critique: Briefly describe your reaction to the article. For example, was it well-organized? Easy or difficult to understand (please explain why)? Did it present diverse perspectives about the topic? Don't limit yourself to just these questions -- be reflective about what you read.

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English: Trends in fatalities from distracted driving in the us
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