
Trend-force in your industry

Problem: Use the organization (which was General Motors (GM)) you identified as a team in Week two to do a benchmarking analysis, using the databases in the University library.

Individually, research one force or trend from the remote or industry environment. Please do not use forces and trends that include:

- trend of jockeying for position
- force of remote environment of ecological factors
- competitive position specifically in relation to employee relations
- ecological factors
- Joint Venture Strategic Alliances

Once you have identified a trend/force in your industry find a company that has been affected by this force/trend. How did they address this? Where their particular strategies they used?

(Please do NOT use Southwest or Toyota)

For each force or trend discuss the following in a 350 to 700-word synopsis: (A) a detailed description of the force or trend, (B) how did the benchmarked company address it and what were the outcomes, and (C) the relevance of the force or trend to your organization (D) your chosen organization's strategic adaptability for the force or trend. (You can use an outline format to stay within the word count)

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Other Management: Trend-force in your industry
Reference No:- TGS01850164

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