
Traversing the tree in preorder-inorder-postorder

Question 1:

a) Describe two reasons why programmers in industry prefer to use linked lists rather of arrays.

b) Write one program to perform the given tasks

• Create and display a linked list of integer numbers. 
• Search an integer number from the list and delete it.

Use functions for each implementation of the above tasks.

Question 2:

a) Distinguish between stacks and queues in the data structures.
b) By using Linked list implementation of queue, write one C++ program to do the given:

• Make a new queue and enter integer numbers
• Display the queue
• Delete an integer number from the queue.

The node and maintenance must be implemented by using classes.

c) Consider the tree illustrated below. What will be the results when traversing the tree in Preorder, Inorder and Postorder?

1796_traversing of tree.jpg

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Traversing the tree in preorder-inorder-postorder
Reference No:- TGS06127

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