
Travelling salesperson problem using dynamic programming

1) Describe the algorithm to convert the postfix expression into the expression tree with suitable example.

2) Write the algorithm to insert the item into a binary search tree and trace the algorithm with the items 6, 2, 8, 1, 4, 3, 5.

3) Explain the algorithms used to execute single and double rotation on AVL tree.

4(a) Describe the common collision resolution strategies used in closed hashing system.

(b) What do you mean by union-by-height? Write down the algorithm to implement it.

(ii) Describe the path compression with suitable example.

5)(i) What do you mean by topological sort? Write down the algorithm to execute topological sort with suitable example.

(ii) Write the Dijkstra’s algorithm to determine the shortest path.

6) Write the Kruskal’s algorithm and construct a minimum spanning tree for following weighted graph.

7)(i) Formulate the algorithm to multiply n-digit integers by using divide and conquer approach.

(ii) Briefly explain the applications of greedy algorithm.

8) Determine the optimal tour in following travelling salesperson problem using dynamic programming.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Travelling salesperson problem using dynamic programming
Reference No:- TGS010315

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