Travel Time and Data Frames
Need help with a Travel Time and Data Frames question. please see attached. thank you.
Please reference this figure for the question:
1. A host computer is one of the sources in Figure 1. The computer is part of a network that has a transport layer header of 1000 bits and information field capacity of 9000 bits. The network layer header has 500 bits and an information field capacity of 4,500 bits. The datalink layer has a 40-bit header and 5-bit trailer. The data field can hold up to 2500 bits. A 16-kilobyte file is sent over the interface. Assume that the multiplexer is not used and the modem is providing a data rate capacity of 64 kbps. The media is copper and the distance is 15,000 km.
a. Assuming no errors during the transmission, how many data link frames are required to send
the file?
b. Assuming no errors, what is the time required to send the file?
c. Assuming that probability of error is 10-5, what is the time required to send the file? (Assume a "Go-Back N" protocol with a window size of 127 for error correction.)