
Transporting alpha particleshelium nuclei design a part ofa

Transporting Alpha Particles(Helium Nuclei). Design a part ofa transport system which will deflect the beam of alphaparticles (m=6.64 x 10-27kg, q= 3.2 x 10-19C) through an angle of 90 degrees by using a magnetic field. The beam will be traveling horizontally in an evactuated tube. Atthe place the tube is to make a 90 degree turn you place a dipolemagnet which provides a uniform vertical magnetic field of 0.030 T. Your design has a tube of the appropiate shape between thepoles of the magnet. Determine how long the alpha particleswill spend in the uniform magnetic field.

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Physics: Transporting alpha particleshelium nuclei design a part ofa
Reference No:- TGS0900492

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