The following link is a guideline for writing for the “Love Canel”:
1. Write two paragraphs, one summarizing the Love Canal case and one summarizing the Ivory Coast case. Provide the relevant events and the results of those events for each.
2. State who (individuals, government, companies) you think was at fault and who actually paid the penalties either in clean-up funds, health care costs or in another form for each case.
a. The Love Canal case
b. The Ivory Coast case
3. CERCLA (Superfund) and RCRA were passed as a result of the Love Canal case. What does each law do and how effective has each been at solving the problem of managing hazardous waste? See your textbook, Chapter on Hazardous and Solid Wastes, for a short description of each law. Do additional research on each law to fully answer the question.
4. The Basel Convention bans transportation of hazardous waste from developed countries (this includes the Netherlands) to developing countries, such as the Ivory Coast. Why do you think it failed in the Ivory Coast case?
5. Significant social and economic pressures existed in each case: the economic pressure to make a profit by avoiding expenses, social public pressure for schools and new homes, media and public pressure to rectify the problems resulting from the wastes dumped (social) and others. Define the pressures that caused the decisions to dump waste unsafely, to build on top of a waste dump, to ignore the possible ramifications until it was too late.
6. Compare and contrast the difference between Trafigura’s actions and ultimate response in the Ivory Coast dumping and Occidental’s (Hooker’s parent company) actions and ultimate response to the Love Canal problems. Based on their actions, which do you feel is the more ethical company?
7. Review the definition of Environmental Justice in the power point. Which of the two cases is evidence of environmental injustice and why?
8. How can we make Source Reduction work to avoid future cases like these? Look up Source Reduction in the Chapter on Hazardous and Solid Wastes of your text and provide a definition as part of your answer.