
Transport and society

Question 1: You have been recruited as Commercial Manager in a bus company. Part of your assignment is to develop excursion tours.

a) List the kind of excursion tours you intend to bring about?

b) What are the sequences of events whenever purchasing a package?

c) List the factors which can affect the future of tourism in society?  

Question 2:

a) Describe the JICNAR scale?

b) Distinguish between the Working class and Middle class people by using the Spinley’findings?

c) What are the difficulties faced by Social Scientists to measure Social class?                       

Question 3: Illustrate the transportation philosophy existing in today’s society, pointing out the main strategies firms use?

Question 4:

a) In nowadays society, trade associations are significant. Describe why?

b) Name the two transport pressure groups which you are well-known with and elucidate their roles?

c) What are the major functions of the Department of Transport in society?       

Question 5:

a) What are the mobility difficulties faced by the disable people in society? 

b) Is it in the interest of transport decision makers to accommodate the disable people whenever planning their system?

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Other Subject: Transport and society
Reference No:- TGS06063

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