
Transol corporation is a national distributor of industrial

Read the Business (Principel of Management) Case Study below. And then please answer these questions:

a. What is the problem/issue here? Explain.

b. And what are the possible solutions to the problem/issue? (2 or more) explain why you chose each solution. (purpose: could be backups if the preferred solution encounters problems.)

c. What do you think is the best solution to solve the problem and explain why it would be the best course of action? (pick one from the possible solutions (b).) please give strong support for your choice.

Case Study:


Transol Corporation is a national distributor of industrial chemicals with regional sales offices in twelve major manufacturing centers Each office is staffed by a regional sales director, his assistant, ten to It is a policy of Transol to transfer fourteen salcsmen, and a secretary salesmen among regions more frequently than similar firms because in the opinion of Transol, 11 rolling stone gathers no moss a As a result sales nen expect to be transferred every three years on the average.

The New Orleans regional sales office is one of the larger offices with fourteen salesmen assigned In the past five years the New Orleans office has consistently teen among the top five sales offices in volume of sales per salesman. Recently, the sales director of fifteen years retired and was replaced by George M. Carver, from outside the company.

During the first week of his tenure, Carver asked his assistant, White, to take a voluntary collection from the staff and select a reasonably priced, suitable going-away gift for a departing salesman. Shortly there after, White approached members of the staff and said Carver had decided that the office should present the departing salesman with an engraved pew ter beer mug as a remembrance gift Everyone contacted by White contrib uted, including the office secretary A month later, Carver asked White to take a similar collection For another departing salesman White approached the staff in the same manner as previously; however one of the salesmen refused to contribute. In response, White doubled his contribution and concealed the incident from Carver Several months later Carver again asked White to take a collection, but now three of the salemen and the secretary refused to contribute In addition the departing salesman told White, For my part, you can tell Carver that I don't even want the mug.

This time White explained to Carver what happened, and at the next sales meeting Carver emphasized a relationship between T1 esprit de corps and sales volume.

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Operation Management: Transol corporation is a national distributor of industrial
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