Question 1: Define the word ‘Risk’. State the various types of risks.
Question 2: What do you understand by the term Hedging?
Question 3: What are the various methods of hedging the risks?
Question 4: How the risk is related with the pricing in foreign currency?
Question 5: Explain the terms Management of Translation and Management of Transaction.
Question 6: Write notes on the given terms:
a) Assets and Liability Management.
b) Pricing in Foreign Currencies.
Question 6: What do you mean by the term Risk Management?
Question 7: What are the various external methods of risk management?
Question 8: Describe in detail the Pricing techniques.
Question 9: Write a note on Caps, Collars, and Floors and also write down their applications.
Question 10: How derivatives can be employed to manage the risk?