Question 1: Describe the term resonance effect. Give conditions essential for resonance.
Question 2: Write a note on:
a) Huckel’s rule
b) Aromaticity.
Question 3: How do you differentiate transition states and intermediate states? Draw the potential energy diagram of transition and intermediate states.
Question 4: Describe the given:
a) Non classical carbocation
b) SNi reaction.
Question 5:
a) Describe the general mechanism and draw energy profile diagram of Aromatic electrophilic substitution reactions.
b) Write the method of Hunsdiecker reaction.
Question 6:
a) Describe about hydrogenation of aromatic rings.
b) Write the method of hydroboration.
Question 7:
a) Write the method of metal hydride of unsaturated carbonyl compounds give illustrations.
b) Write the method of Benzoin condensation.
Question 8: Write the method and orientation in pyrolytic elimination.