
Transformation of the gaussian random variables

Solve the following problem:

a. Let Xr and Xi be statistically independent zero-mean Gaussian random variables with identical variance. Show that a (rotational) transformation of the form

Yr + jYi = (Xr + jXi)e

Results in another pair (Yr, Yi) of Gaussian random variables that have the same joint PDF as the pair (Xr, Xi).

b. Note that

[Yr]  = A  [xr]
[Yi]          [Xi]

Where A is a 2 × 2 matrix. As a generalization of the two-dimensional transformation of the Gaussian random variables considered in (a), what property must the linear transformation Asatisfy if the PDFs for X and Y, where Y = AX, X = (X1X2 ··· Xn), and Y = (Y1Y2 ··· Yn) are identical?


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Basic Statistics: Transformation of the gaussian random variables
Reference No:- TGS02037716

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