
Transfer of network message

Question 1: Consider a network message transfer between a source S and a destination D through 3 routers R1, R2 and R3 as shown below:

    S -------- R1 --------- R2 --------- R3 --------- D

A message M needs to be transferred from S to D.  M will be divided into packets, therefore M/Packet Size is the number of packets. For example, if M is 100 MB, and packet size is 10MB then there will be10 Packets. Write a simple program to simulate the arrival of a packet at R1, then R2, then R3, and then D, and finally the program should indicate how long it would take for the entire message M to arrive at D.In the program the user should be able to choose different packet sizes, bandwidths of the links, link speeds and lengths of the links. Ignore the queuing and processing delays.

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Computer Networking: Transfer of network message
Reference No:- TGS01324

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