
Transfer of learning is based on organizational climate the

Two Separate discussion post to be completed separately and due on the same document, if you are willing to do the assignment you must also be willing to do the peer responses that will be posted later within the week.

Discussions due on Thursdays

Peer responses due on Saturdays:- WILL POST PEER RESPONSES ON WEDNESDAY 11/30

Discussion 1:

Evaluative Tools

In chapter seven, three additional evaluation tools were introduced: the CIPP model of evaluation, Kaufman's five levels of evaluation, and CIRO. Choose one of the three models of evaluation. Describe the model. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages?
Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.
Discussion 2:

Is It a Learning Organization?

In chapter eight, transfer of learning is examined. Transfer of learning is based on organizational climate. The climate of a learning organization is most conducive to the transfer of learning. Describe the characteristics of the learning organization. Based on the characteristics of your organization is it a learning organization? Why or why not?

Use this week's lecture as a basis for your post. Reference and cite the textbook in your original post. Respond to at least two of your classmates' posts.

Carefully review the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate this Discussion Thread.


Kopp (2014) stated that organizational climates affect the transfer of learning. An organizational climate that is focused on the transfer of learning is a learning organization. Messara and El-Kassar (2013) stated that to successfully respond to a world of interdependence and change, some companies are adopting the principles of a Learning Organization. Learning Organization refers to a culture that has developed the capacity to adapt and change continuously by promoting a learning environment that embraces both individual and organizational learning. (p. 19)

This description can be applied to employee training. If the organizational climate creates a learning organization, employees are more likely to transfer training to the organization.

Messara and El-Kassar (2013) posited that organizational climates are measurable work environs that are perceived directly and indirectly by people who work in the organization that impact motivation and behavior. Studies have demonstrated that organizational climate is positively correlated to organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This type of climate is beneficial to employee learning (Messara& El-Kassar, 2013).

Messara and El-Kassar (2013) stated that seven learning dimensions affect the climate of the learning organization. The seven dimensions are continuous learning, inquiry and dialogue, team learning, embedded systems, empowerment, system connections, and strategic leadership. Continuous learning is promoted through rewards and conflict. Inquiry and dialogue are promoted through warmth and support. Team learning is promoted through rewards and conflict. Embedded systems are promoted through rewards, conflict, structure, and high risk. Empowerment is promoted through rewards and conflict. System connections are promoted through rewards, warmth and support, and conflict. Strategic leadership is promoted through expected approval, structure, low risk, reward, and warmth and support (Messara& El-Kassar, 2013). The ways in which the seven dimensions are promoted have similarities and differences.

The dimensions of the learning climate can create a learning organization. However, the individuals within the organization must be prepared to learn. Senge's five disciplines define how the individual must master specific disciplines to be active members of the learning organization (Kopp, 2014). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that Senge's five disciplines are habits of the mind. The five disciplines are systems thinking, personal mastery, mental models, building shared vision, and team learning (Barker &Camarata, 1998).

Systems thinking is a comprehension of the interrelatedness of individuals, teams, structures, and processes. If an individual understands the interconnectedness of the organization, he or she is better able to contribute to the goals of the organization (Barker &Camarata, 1998). Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that personal mastery is the recurrent process of growth and development necessary for creativity from the individual and the organization. Mental models are images, assumptions, and narratives that individuals believe regarding themselves, other people, organizations, and the general world (Barker &Camarata, 1998).

Barker and Camarata (1998) stated that building shared vision "in this context is an amalgamation of the personal visions of organizational members during what Senge calls the visioning process" (p. 455). Team learning is the focus of directing and developing the action, beliefs, and needs of members of a team (Barker &Camarata, 1998).

This week you will be examining how learning is transferred from the trainer to the individual and to the organization. Understanding the climate and Senge's discipline will help in examining how a trainer can develop methodologies that create learning.


Barker, R. T., &Camarata, M. R. (1998). The role of communication in creating and maintaining a learning organization: Preconditions, indicators, and disciplines. The Journal of Business Communications, 35(4), 443-467. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database.
Kopp, D.M. (2014). Human resource training & development: Performance improvement through workplace learning. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education

Messara, L. C., & El-Kassar, A. (2013). Identifying organizational climate affect learning organization. Business Studies Journal, 5(1), 19-28. Retrieved from EBSCOhost database.

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